Saturday, October 4, 2008

Some Benefits of an Artificial Grass Lawn

Artificial grass as a way to help the environment, sure it’s a valid reason to replace the tired, high maintenance water-guzzling thatch that sits between your house and the footpath. You won’t mind being accused of being a lazy gardener if you are comfortable with the fact that by choosing to lay artificial grass you are doing your bit to fight global warming.

There are a number of factors that go into maintaining a healthy, green lawn that, quite frankly, are not particularly eco-friendly. Think of the chemicals, pesticides and fertilizers that are regularly sprayed onto lawns, the lawnmower that seems to be operating all through spring and summer. Then there is all the watering that is required to keep the grass healthy and well-grassed.

Replacing your lawn with an artificial grass equivalent will address each of the environmental issues mentioned here. And there is a further health issue that may play a big part in some people’s decision – grass allergies.

Grass allergies provide another great reason to replace your natural grass lawn with one of artificial grass. If you or one of your family suffers from severe allergies caused by grass, the option of laying down a yard of synthetic turf as a replacement has got to be on the mind.

Over the short term, it may seem as though the cost of buying and laying an artificial grass lawn is way beyond what can be considered reasonable. But when you consider the savings over the long term it becomes a much more cost effective choice. Over the life of your new artificial grass you will be saving the cost of running a lawnmower, buying fertilizer, herbicides, pesticides, and watering costs. Then there’s the time cost that will no longer apply. An artificial grass lawn is very low maintenance, giving you time for other activities.

With an artificial grass lawn laid in the backyard, you will never be left living surrounded by a browning dustbowl as water restrictions continue to be applied. Your carbon footprint will be reduced over time and no matter how heavy the traffic is on your lawn, you won’t face brown patches or die-off over winter.

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